My other office

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My other office

This is the Bhudda Hut, Spring of '97.
While speaking to the owner of the ski area ( during a party on the last day of the gondola ) I suggested that taking some cars out in the woods and hanging them would be cool. He sorta nodded and agreed. I took that as permission to get a cat, driver and a few cabins.
On the night of March 1, 1997, we did just that. The cat driver was Bhuddist, hence the name. About 8 of us dug out the cabins and dropped off 2. In the morning we got about 16 people to help and we dragged them out ( Egyptian style ) to their new homes. We used the rope from the old rope tow to tie them off. They are still there.
That season we put up four cabins. Now there are over 30 shacks on the mountain with about 8 gondola cars. I can't find them all. Some are nice tree houses. A few have nice bbq grills with propane (all the condos surrounding the ski area have grills and full tanks ). Tomorrow, the Dirtbag Queen has announced a BBQ at Sean's Shack. I'll try to include photos
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Re: My other office

fun fun fun

u guys do it, and do it right
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Re: My other office

I love that Montana style!  
I ride with Crazy Horse!