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We're having to upgrade our hosting.  Basically you guys are rockin it. I bought some super cheap hosting and we're maxing it out almost every day  (Ever get a "500 Server Error" - that's Harv's cheap hosting just giving up!)

Anyway I bit the bullet and bought something better. I have to switch it over and there could be some down time.  Going to stay up late tonight and try to get it done late evening or around midnight. (We'll see how long I last.)

Never really did this before. I'm TOLD that it might be seemless, or there might be a few hours of weirdness.  Hell you guys should be in bed anyway resting up for a big day on the hill tomorrow!

That is all. I hope.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: NOTICE: NYSB Downtime

About damn time