NVT 3/8-10

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NVT 3/8-10

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Quite difference on the East vs West side of the spine along with the favorable aspects.


West side

Skied mostly on East

Had a Plum failure

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Re: NVT 3/8-10

Looks great, wide open.  

Last year when I drove THROUGH VT to get to NH I realized that the parts of VT off the spine are mere mortal, no more snow than the Daks or NH.

I always assumed that the West side of the spine would do better.. prevailing winds being forced up?  Does one side normally beat the other?  I think MRG is on the East side, and they get a good share of upslope.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: NVT 3/8-10

Harvey44 wrote
I always assumed that the West side of the spine would do better.. prevailing winds being forced up?  Does one side normally beat the other?  I think MRG is on the East side, and they get a good share of upslope.
East side seems to have better snow preservation. Then you add in a northly aspect