NY Code - Article 18 - Safety in skiing code

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NY Code - Article 18 - Safety in skiing code

Big D
Seems a little old... whereby it does not specifically include snow boarders.

"Skier" means any person wearing a  ski  or  skis  and  any  person actually  on a ski slope or trail located at a ski area, for the purpose of skiing."


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Re: NY Code - Article 18 - Safety in skiing code

 9.  Not to overtake another skier in such a manner as to cause contact
  with the skier being overtaken and to  yield  the  right-of-way  to  the
  skier being overtaken;
    10. Not to willfully stop on any slope or trail where such stopping is
  likely to cause a collision with other skiers or vehicles;
    11.  To  yield  to  other  skiers  when  entering  a trail or starting

Here is another key point that I see really often - while the skier downhill has the right of way that is only true if they are moving.  Once stopped that skier or boarder has to yield to the skier in motion even if they are uphill of you.  

The key safety point here is to make sure you always look uphill before starting to ski / ride.  Parents please stress this with your kids for their own safety.
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