NY Mountain Business Directory (BETA)

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NY Mountain Business Directory (BETA)

We created a rough framework for the NY Mountain Business Directory that has been discussed in the forum.  I'd considered making it a separate app (ie separate from the forum) and was going to do this over the summer.

Keeping it as part of the forum does have some advantages.  We don't want a bunch of spam/advertisements in it, only REAL recommendations for good solid businesses.  By restricting posts to forum members hopefully people will only post businesses that they stand behind.

Here are the guidelines for posting in the business directory.

Right now the sections in the directory are for the Adks and Cats but all areas are welcome. Central NY, Western NY, Tug Hill whatever.

Please keep any followup posts on-topic - ie specifically related to the specific feature.  Off-topic stuff will be deleted or moved.  Also we reserve the right to edit, add to or do whatever to each entry.

If you have input on the directory post it in this thread not in the directory.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp