NYTimes: Banner Year for Skiing, and Search Parties

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NYTimes: Banner Year for Skiing, and Search Parties

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With near-record snowfalls leaving several feet of fluffy powder, ski resorts on the East Coast have had no trouble attracting skiers and snowboarders this season. The problem has been keeping them on the mountain.

Jeff Temple, director of Killington’s mountain operations, with a map showing where lost skiers have been rescued.

A warning against leaving Killington’s boundaries. Some ignore such signs, but others who got lost say they never saw them.

Skiers and snowboarders have long headed off groomed mountain runs in search of steeper slopes and deeper powder. But as ski season is hitting its peak, resort officials say more and more novices ill prepared for backcountry conditions are ducking under boundary ropes and ending up in need of costly rescues.

Full NY Times article:

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp