Nearest of misses

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Re: Nearest of misses

Banned User
jimvdak wrote's the poor POST college thing now that I'm actually paying the loans back. It's a 4 hour drive for me, so it's the place to stay thing and the funds. I had enough Best Western points to stay a night in Lake George for one weekend when i checked a few weeks ago, but the rates have gone up apparently so now can't even do that..I would have to stay in Albany which I'm tempted...I really want to check out Gore in the spring if I get around to it. Last year I was able to afford a 4 day trip to whiteface and two weekends in vermont cuz my loans hadnt started yet..I think I just need to marry rich.
Aahh, that's a very sad scenario to be in. You poor soul. You really shouldn't have to suffer like that, enduring rude, Camel smoking dinks...I feel for ya.

BUT! No worries Mate. Just set up a weekend of skiing or such with anybody on HR,.... even the Harvness himself or any other HR people and let me know......I'm certain you'll have a place to stay  and good food to eat. Maybe even free lift tickets.....

Happy New Year.
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Re: Nearest of misses

In reply to this post by SIAWOL
SIAWOL wrote
edit: Hey Harv, how about a thread for questionable fashion onslope? Pics from Gore/WF required!
Now... I understand why you might nominate me as the author of such a thread ... but I think I'll leave that to you.

I should probably stay under the radar on issues of fashion. It's a pot/kettle black type thang.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Nearest of misses

In reply to this post by ausable skier
ausable skier wrote
At WF the Ski Patrol aka MSA is really only tasked with "slope safety" and injuries.  I've never seen them get involved with misbehaving customers except for those who ski on closed trails as this is catagorized as slope safety.  The host / safety patrols are tasked with handing the out of control / unsafe skiers / riders.  That may explain the patrollers reaction - its not my job man.

Another thing to keep in mind for those temped to huck over blind drop offs and ski too fast in a family zone or congested spot where the safety patrol is posted is that many of them safety patrol are off duty or retired NYS troopers and they can arrest an unsafe skier / boarder.  The skier responsibility code has been codified into law by NYS.
This doesn't sound right to me. I would think that a Ski Patroller's job description requires them to rein in reckless skiers and, if warranted, pull their lift tickets. I plan on checking into this.

The skier responsibility code is part of the state's Labor Law. It's not a penal statute, so I don't see how you can arrest someone for violating it.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: Nearest of misses

In reply to this post by Snowballs
Snowballs wrote
jimvdak wrote's the poor POST college thing now that I'm actually paying the loans back. It's a 4 hour drive for me, so it's the place to stay thing and the funds. I had enough Best Western points to stay a night in Lake George for one weekend when i checked a few weeks ago, but the rates have gone up apparently so now can't even do that..I would have to stay in Albany which I'm tempted...I really want to check out Gore in the spring if I get around to it. Last year I was able to afford a 4 day trip to whiteface and two weekends in vermont cuz my loans hadnt started yet..I think I just need to marry rich.
Aahh, that's a very sad scenario to be in. You poor soul. You really shouldn't have to suffer like that, enduring rude, Camel smoking dinks...I feel for ya.

BUT! No worries Mate. Just set up a weekend of skiing or such with anybody on HR,.... even the Harvness himself or any other HR people and let me know......I'm certain you'll have a place to stay  and good food to eat. Maybe even free lift tickets.....

Happy New Year.

I'll keep that in mind wen the spring rolls around! Thanks! :-)
*~It is better to go skiing and think of God, than go to church and think of sport.~*  -Fridtjof Nansen
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Re: Nearest of misses

Banned User
This post was updated on .
Yea file it away and redeem it anytime you wanna, and a friend. You don't have to wait till spring, per se.

I asked my gal and she's fine with it...even lookin forward to playing a " B & B " owner....." I'll cook some good stuff. "

I'm sure some HR people would love to meet you and ski together.

It's kinda like what was said on the HR blog had the other day...

 " As a survival technique, skiers and boarders are genetically wired to look for deals, and one of the most obvious places is lift tickets. 2-for-1 coupons, season passes, and buying at offsite ski shops are some of the time-tested ways to take a small bite out of this unavoidable cost. "

" Genetically wired to look for deals "..... Ain't that the truth ?

Anyway, there's enough Gore/Face people here that a po' boy struggling to get some great turns could probably score some free comp lift tickets...

Come ski Gore/Whiteface's loooooong runs. Fuj & MC2 will rip with ya.