Nearly Killed Today

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Re: Nearly Killed Today

skimore wrote
x10003q wrote
Do you know the spot that snowloco is talking about?
  Not needed. Seems kind of dumb to jump out in the road without looking if you know there's a speeding car behind you
There is no road, but don't let that stop you from dispensing more useless advise.
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Re: Nearly Killed Today

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
Except for the fact that I was already in the road.  If someone was already driving and got rear ended by someone doing 100mph around a blind turn, would you say the person who was hit was in the wrong?  If so, you're exactly what's wrong with our legal system.
No, but if you knew that car was coming why would you be there?
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Re: Nearly Killed Today

I didn't know the idiot was coming till I heard "FFFFFFUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKK" over my head.  Couldn't have seen it either because I was on the other side of a blind ledge.  I'm not going to ski looking behind me because I'd probably hit someone in front of me.  You jsut keep digging deeper.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Nearly Killed Today

Benny Profane
In reply to this post by skimore
skimore wrote
snoloco wrote
I saw the same guy straight-line all of Hellgate and then stop on the side of the trail, while he was stopped, I passed him.  I was already on the trail and skiing when this happened, not stopped, not merging in, I was skiing.  Some clueless, reckless, moron decided to use a ledge in the trail as a jump, having no clue what was on the other side.  It was his recklessness that almost caused the accident.  I was skiing normally and not breaking any rules.
Hmmm. That didn't give you a clue that maybe you should be keeping an eye out behind you?

Jeez, lighten up. This is Hunter were talking about. Last time I was there I got hit three times in one day. Seriously. One time some girl did a 90 degree turn and put me into a snowmaking pipe. And all three never resulted in an apology.

Maybe they should sell a gopro goggle combo that gives you rear vision, like in a lot of cars these days. Sheesh.
funny like a clown
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Re: Nearly Killed Today

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
I didn't know the idiot was coming till I heard "FFFFFFUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKK" over my head.  Couldn't have seen it either because I was on the other side of a blind ledge.  I'm not going to ski looking behind me because I'd probably hit someone in front of me.  You jsut keep digging deeper.
You just witnessed the guys recklessness and then went by. It didn't dawn on you he would be coming ?
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Re: Nearly Killed Today

You must be one of those ambulance chaser lawyers.  Trying to say that the person who was skiing normally was in the wrong instead of the fucking idiot going 50mph down crowded trail.  Comparing it to driving, you'd blame the accident on the normal sober driver following all the traffic laws and not the drunk driver who was driving reclkessly going over 100mph and weaving in and out of the lanes.

I knew the idiot could be passing me again.  What should I have done?  Skied backwards so I could have seen him.  If I did, I'd probably have hit the little kid that was in front of me.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Nearly Killed Today

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
...... Most likely not because you think you're "too good" to ski at a resort, and have a little hissy fit if someone has a good time skiing when it isn't a powder day......

AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. ohh the irony!!!!!! you are so full of shit i cant take it!!

if i made a thread for every close call i had....well id have a few. get over it. nothing happened, move on. stop whining.

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Re: Nearly Killed Today

I've had many close calls.  This one was just one of the worst which is why I posted it.  You're probably one of the people who emailed Harvey to ask that I get banned.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Nearly Killed Today

Didn't email him, but I wouldn't be against it....
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Re: Nearly Killed Today

outlaw 1
You ever think maybe the guy knew you from here and was trying too take you out,or scare your lil bitch ass,mission accomplished..people writing in too ban you,now that's funny..
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Re: Nearly Killed Today

In reply to this post by snoloco
<quote The 6-pack had no more than a couple minutes wait, but they were filling every chair, so more people on the trails.  
What goes up must come down. Once again you are mired in your quantity over quality mindset.
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: Nearly Killed Today

Hey Sno
While I can agree with a lot of the criticism and I think Hunter has way too much front side lift capacity for its acreage, I feel bad for not adding before that I'm glad you're okay. Try to think the incident over in your head and see if there's anything to be learned from it.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Nearly Killed Today

Brownski wrote
Hey Sno
While I can agree with a lot of the criticism and I think Hunter has way too much front side lift capacity for its acreage, I feel bad for not adding before that I'm glad you're okay. Try to think the incident over in your head and see if there's anything to be learned from it.
Hunter has had the pretty much the same lift capacity on the front side since 1987. The recent addition of the HS6 only added another 250people/hr. To me, it seems that Hunter is less crowded  on weekends now than I remember in the 1980s and 1990s, but I do not have any access to the numbers.

The spot where this happened has been used as a stopping point and a launching pad since Hunter opened. There is no accounting for stupid people no matter what you do.
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Re: Nearly Killed Today

In reply to this post by Brownski
Brownski wrote
 I feel bad for not adding before that I'm glad you're okay.
Wow - that is exactly right - me 2. Glad your OK lil'dude.

Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Nearly Killed Today

In reply to this post by x10003q
I admit I don't have numbers to back it up but my impression is based on my own pre-upgrade experiences with the place.  I haven't been there this year so it's possible I'm just spouting off. This might be a good opportunity for Sno to apply some of his excellent research skills (if he hasn't already). Let's see some uphill-capacity-per-acre scores for some mountains so we can compare with real numbers.  I suspect Hunter is right up there at the top along with the So. VT hills, Windham, Jiminy Peak etc... I'll bet Plattekills a lot lower.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Nearly Killed Today

In reply to this post by PeeTex
X:  The HSQ originally had a capacity of 3,000 pph.  However, toward the end of its life on the front side, it did not run at full design speed, so it did about 2,400.  The 6-pack does 2,600 now and they have the option of adding chairs to increase it to 3,000.  The capacity is basically the same as it was in 1987, the B-lift quad was added and the G-Lift double removed, so those equalize each other.  As you know, there are 4 front side lifts, 6-pack, B, D, and F.  The 6-pack does 2600 and the other lifts do 1,800.  That's 8,000 pph on the front side trails, which is a lot.  Mount Snow's 3 detachables out of the main base do 8,400 combined, and the acreage of their front side is bigger than all of Hunter.

Peetex and Brownski:  Thanks for thinking of me.  I was really shaken up for a few runs after it happened, and I typed out my original post the lift ride after it happened.  Glad that I didn't get hit.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Nearly Killed Today

Benny Profane
I was just looking at pictures of Vermont. How is it possible that Hunter has any snow? I know they make a lot, but, man, you can't fight Mother Nature.
funny like a clown
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Re: Nearly Killed Today

In reply to this post by Brownski
Brownski wrote
Let's see some uphill-capacity-per-acre scores for some mountains so we can compare with real numbers.  I suspect Hunter is right up there at the top along with the So. VT hills, Windham, Jiminy Peak etc... I'll bet Plattekills a lot lower.
New thread is up.  Check it out.
I've lived in New York my entire life.