Camp he may be a master of negative imaging too , i always have trouble when dealing with the notion of there is no bad pr , ie the PT Barnum theory of marketing !
BUT whenever i would hear our PR types at the university in that discussion , MY retort was " Yeah ,but we ain't running a damn 3 RING CIRCUS here and MOm and Pop are laying out serious coin and we need to DELIVER the goods in a professional manner with the highest quality programming ."
So i may be a dinosaur but i do not subscribe to Billy's clown car approach and like PEE TEX says , it would be a cold day in hell before i purchased anything from that buffoon ..
Just sayin and im sure , one on one the guy is ok , humorous and speaks in normal conversational tones . I want a pro in my dealership not Bozo the Clown
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.