New spin on an old game

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New spin on an old game

witch hobble
My kids were out skiing with their posse today.  I'm not sure if this is already a thing, and I'm too lazy to look on tgr or someplace like that, but when I caught up to them, they appeared to be playing a new version of the "punch bug" game.  Instead of Vw bugs though, they would say "goPro green and yellow" or something like that and punch their friend on the shoulder.  I looked around and sure enough a dude in green and yellow with a helmet mounted goPro was skiing by.

I found my self chuckling about it for the next 45 minutes or so.  Thought I would share.  Play it at your mountain......
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Re: New spin on an old game

Pretty accurate.  I have yet to figure out what anyone actually does with that footage.  I'm glad my facebook feed is not full of it.  
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Re: New spin on an old game

GoPro can take some cool still pics. I use mine mostly for kid stoke when taking videos.
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"