I recently became aware of the North Country Hardship Fund. It's a non-profit based in North Creek.
NCHF provides temporary assistance to people that have suffered a recent tragic loss/hardship (sickness, accident, house fire, flood, etc).
The Fund was started by Tammy Bukovinsky (head of lift operations at Gore) and her husband Wayne, and folks from North Creek in response to the outpouring of support that the community gave to Wayne and Tammy after Wayne had a terrible motorcycle accident.
Funding comes directly from fund raisers and donations, with
Waynestock as the primary fundraiser held the first Saturday in August each year.
NCHF is sponsoring a Halloween Party at Laura's Bar this Saturday, and they are doing a raffle. Tickets are 1 for $5 and 5 for $20. The prize sheet is at the right.
I encourage you to attend the party, but you do not need to be present to win.
I strongly encourage you to support this effort, it represents the best of the north country - neighbors helping neighbors.
Count me in for five tickets.
NCHF on Facebook
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp