North Creek Ski Bowl and Gore Mtn, NY: 2/9/14

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North Creek Ski Bowl and Gore Mtn, NY: 2/9/14

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Ski Day 16: This is turning out to be a funny season, for me.

I tweeted something in the morning about skiing at my favorite ski area in North Creek. I may have been trying to be funny, but there's some truth in there somewhere...

Once again, I was foiled by my hyper-flatlanderness. I got on first chair at the Bowl (Hi Duck!) instead of waiting for the men in black.  I was destined to spend the day alone.

In any case I hadn't skied Gore since the end of December, and for some reason felt the need to make my way over the the large mountain next door.

Many of the new guns are in place on Eagle's Nest and Cedars. I think that is cool.


I saw the new Hedges connnector.  I can't tell if it has a huge hump in it or if it was a snowmaking whale


Tahawas Trees

View from the High Peaks Chair

First time up top in a long time

On Sunday's I ski a short day to get myself home.  I made it even shorter today.  My new skis and the incredible soft snow in the woods behind the cabin were pulling me back.

I headed back to North River to get one last ski in Harvey Woods...

...after lingering a while at the view spot, I headed back to the cabin, drained the pipes...

...and headed home.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp