Northcreek vibe to increase

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Northcreek vibe to increase


While not directly related to snow....this lady's experience and track record seems to paint a pretty picture for bringing more folks to NC.    Once she is in her position, I plan to email her some of my ideas on relating arts/skiing.    

Picture this:  A tour bus comes to town to ski at Gore.   In the evening they all go to the Tannery Pond to view a short film on skiing history.   Check out artifacts of snow sports.   Or watch a Warren Miller film.    

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Re: Northcreek vibe to increase

I've always thought a ski film festival would be very cool during presidents week.  Maybe even have two shows, early and late and charge a little something.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Northcreek vibe to increase

Yeah.   That's what I'm talking about.   A reasonable byob and cool film.       Next week.... bring your video camera or smart phone and show your" home videos" to the crowd.    "B" movie week.   All the bad ski movies you can handle.