ORDA Formally Takes Over Belleayre

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ORDA Formally Takes Over Belleayre

Peter Minde
Here's a story from the Mid Hudson News, transfer of Belleayre to ORDA is complete.


Interesting that Blazer regards the privately run Catskills pistes as partners.  I'm not sure if the video is current; Blazer refers to recent sliding events so it makes me think it was from last winter.
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Re: ORDA Formally Takes Over Belleayre

Big D
I think the video is current, because Blazer states that Tom Tarr was named acting General manager of Belleayre and that happened within the past week.
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Re: ORDA Formally Takes Over Belleayre

orda already took over belleayre from the video.  And there was a sliding event last weekend.