ORDA, a different view of the financial picture

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ORDA, a different view of the financial picture

Peter Minde
Here's a look at ORDA's budget challenges from a nordic point of view.  Shameless self promotion:  I wrote it.

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Re: ORDA, a different view of the financial picture

ausable skier
Nice history and evaluation of the challenges facing Mt Van Ho.  Pretty tough to run a business that is updating its capital equipment base and buildings when it only is bringing in about $150k gross.  Sounds like the only way to make a profit is to host a world cup but that brings huge risk of loss if the event can't be run since you have to invest up front and only get paid by TV after the event.  Good call not to do it this winter - would have been a losing bet.

you are one of the few to also point out Bell is going to detract from the focus of the ADK venues +1
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Re: ORDA, a different view of the financial picture

Peter Minde
In the 2010 - 2011 fiscal year, the cross country operation grossed a little over $300,000.00.  Figures aren't available yet for the most recent fiscal year.  (ORDA's fiscal runs 4/1 - 3/31)

Speaking personally I think that if ORDA had done some of this maintenance had been done little by little over time, van Ho would be in much better shape than it is now.  Would you wait until your car needs a timing belt, brakes AND an exhaust system to take it to the mechanic?

Blazer made a good point about the line of credit hamstringing ORDA's ability to operate, but I think the TV exposure from running the biathlon races would be worth it.  
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Re: ORDA, a different view of the financial picture

I believe every venue up here should have a goal to host world cup events.  They are profitable to ORDA and just as important they are profitable to the community.  That should focus of a department with in ORDA.  Look at the bob sled.  Your never going to make money off of tourist rides.  The real value is people from around the world staying in town spending lots of money.  
What about speed skating?  Out door ovals are back in vogue.   World cup speed skating events?  

Cross country skiing events.

Seems orda can't see the trees through the Forrest..upper level management needs a shake up.

The convention center is here.  Now they are going after the target audience of every other city.  Very little creative thinking with that idea.

It is my belief that we should leverage every venue and target the sports that need the infrastructure. That is a niche that overlooked.

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Re: ORDA, a different view of the financial picture

ausable skier

tjf - i think you spelled out the exact charter for Orda there
A true measure of a person's intelligence is how much they agree with you.
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Re: ORDA, a different view of the financial picture

Benny Profane
ditto. smart.
funny like a clown
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Re: ORDA, a different view of the financial picture

Adk Jeff
Excellent in-depth article, Peter.  Interesting to read about Mt Van Ho from a different perspective.  As a recreational nordic skier, I always considered Mt Van Ho to be outstanding.  But reading your article I can see how from a racer's perspective there are many improvements that need to be made.  I wholeheartedly agree that the improvements you mention should be made.  As mentioned above, the goal of hosting world cup events (and by extension, the goal of maintaining ORDA facilities at the level required to do so) should be a priority for ORDA.  Recreational skiers and elite athletes alike will benefit, and Mt Van Ho will prosper as will the regional winter tourism economy.