Nice article from the Press Republican. Sounds good to me.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies I don't know which So never mind - Leonard Cohen |
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Great info in that article HPD, thanks.
Ted's comments make it sound like the state's contribution to the ORDA budget had been finalized at $4.5 million. Is that true? I didn't know that was a done deal. Like many of us, ORDA's getting through the lean times, by deferring routine maintenance. I sure hope the Adirondack Express survives until it can be replaced. Some Gore skiers see it as superfluous, but I personally think it's crucial. The company I work for is in a 110 year-old building, that we normally do some maintenance on every year. We'd skipped it the last two years. It's not ideal, but you gotta do what you gotta do, temporarily to get through, and have faith that you'll be able to catch up in the future. There really is no other choice. The ESB elevator images and the other promos sound pretty creative.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Banned User
A group of area stakeholders he calls Off The Wall — including ORDA administration and the U.S. Olympic Committee — launched a series of innovative, attention-getting efforts. To boost marketing, Whiteface Warriors went on the road this summer, bringing piles of snow and free lift tickets to people in communities upstate who stopped in wearing ski gear, goggles and boots. Whiteface and ORDA staff also launched a video stamp, coming soon to subway stations and other walls signage in New York cities. People using smart phones can scan a coded emblem to activate film of Olympic venues in action. In addition, elevators at Empire State Plaza are being photo-stamped with vistas from Whiteface and Gore. "When the elevator doors open," Blazer said, "it will look like you're walking into the gondola." Life-sized images inside will share the mountaintop views. "It's ours to do," Blazer said. "One million visitors a year ride these elevators." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well done. Excellent Leadership. Especially cool is the extra effort put out by the " Off the Wall " group ( as Blazer called them) and the Whiteface Warriors. That extra step, the "212th" degree, sometimes makes the world of difference and was even free-ish, since they volunteered. Same with the Elevator, etc ideas. Wonderful and prolonged exposure, well thought out and effective images. I'd say prepare for more people. Seems like the best advertising they've ever produced.??? (Non Olympic years.) |