ORDA's Ski3 Survey 2015

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ORDA's Ski3 Survey 2015

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ORDA sent a link to this survey.  If you ski Whiteface, Gore or Belleayre fill it out. Be heard.


It's pretty user friendly and you get a chance to win something at the end.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: ORDA's Ski3 Survey 2015

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What percentage of Gore responders are going to suggest a web cam? Would Gore still not do it if over 90% suggested it?
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: ORDA's Ski3 Survey 2015

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It is my real belief that if they installed a web cam now, the GM would feel like he "lost" the battle.     DONT GIVE UP THE SHIP!    

Damm the customers, no web cam for you!

I responded once for Gore and WF.    NOTE:   When entering info for free tix, do not strike enter to tab.   It will send your survey and leave you without a chance at the drawing.     Use tab or your mouse.     "Ease of website, survey"     Actually a good survey except for this issue--thus 2.5.    

Did anyone notice Gore and WF have a few different questions?  

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Re: ORDA's Ski3 Survey 2015

I:)skiing wrote
It is my real belief that if they installed a web cam now, the GM would feel like he "lost" the battle.     DONT GIVE UP THE SHIP!
That decision wasn't made by the mountain manager. He delegated it to the head of marketing. We can only hope he steps up and overrules it since he is, after all, the mountain manager.  
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: ORDA's Ski3 Survey 2015

first survey ive taken with "other" gender, the times they are a changin'
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Re: ORDA's Ski3 Survey 2015

i choose not to move the meeter for the lift ticket buying experience questions, left it on 0 felt .05 was to high. they will probably interpret that as he did not answer the questions as opposed to we have an issue selling tickets in a timely manner.