Off-season Magic improvements..

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Off-season Magic improvements..

"Let's take number 2 first: The base-to-mid mountain double-passenger "Green Chair" will begin work anew next week to complete its installation by late June! (Think fall foliage rides and weddings at Sunshine Corner, too) This new lift opens Magic up to more young families and "significant others" who can't yet handle the more difficult terrain up top. Green Lift gives every one easy access to our fun lower mountain intermediate and novice terrain (even expert glades). There's easy access to the race trail for racer training and events. Plus, now there's earlier season openings on lower mountain snowmaking trails for all of us!​"

"In combination with this past season's new learning area "magic carpet" conveyor lift, the Green Chair opens Magic to those who love the vibe, but are wary of the summit."

"We've also put a lot of money into repairing the Black Summit Lift over the last two seasons with a bit of a mixed operating performance record. We will have important information on our plans for this lift shortly, so stay tuned. But our goal is to improve summit access reliabilty and capacity to keep our lines to a minimum while keeping our slopes open and uncrowded."

"Now, for number 1. We've invested in our pumphouse, new pipes, new electric air compressors, more energy efficient snow machines, and groomers. One of the last pieces of the puzzle is more water--to make more snow on more of our trails so there's great variety and conditions on both East and West Sides no matter how much snow mother-nature delivers. Therefore, once state Act 250 approvals are finalized this spring, we can begin the big snowmaking pond dam build and stream re-routing project which will double our available water volume for more snowmaking! Broader coverage without running out of H2O​.​"

I think getting old black back running is key for 2018-2019.  I'm looking forward to the season there in a big way!