On Line Trail Maps

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On Line Trail Maps

Since people here have been mentioning resorts all over the US, some I have been to but many I have not, I started to look at trail maps, or at least try to. Does it bother any one else that resorts have made their trail maps harder to find and when you do it is no longer a simple PDF you can easily load, pan and zoom but some interactive POS that's just plain hard to use. I think technology has taken a step backwards.
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Re: On Line Trail Maps

MC2 5678F589
If the "interactive" ones worked quickly and well, I wouldn't have a problem with them. But they never seem to work, so yes, I agree, a simple pdf or jpg would be better.
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Re: On Line Trail Maps

PDF best for me.  

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Re: On Line Trail Maps

I love the fancy ones when they work, it is seldom...

Belleayre used to have a unique and terrible system where it would load on the quarter of a quadrant that you clicked on, showing you maybe 25% of a single trail. Who thought that was passable?

I like Jay Peaks because it's easy to toggle conditionally, like open, experts only, etc.