Pedal for Paul

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Pedal for Paul

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I'm sure there are some folks on here that know Paul.  This has just been heartbreaking.  Such a great guy--

"Attention skiers, bikers, family men and 46ers!! On March 5th, 2016 Paul Moore began living what he has always said would be his worst nightmare. He instantly became paralyzed from the knees down.  After 7 days in Albany medical center it was determined that he has a spot of inflammation on his spinal cord called Transverse Myelitis which is a neurological disorder caused by inflammation across both sides of one level, or segment, of the spinal cord.  They treated him with steroids and plasma and he was off to Sunnyview Rehabilitation Center with the most positive attitude and a strong determination to have a 100% recovery no matter what the doctors said.  While at Sunnyview his progression got better each day. He was able to move toes, walk with a walker, and spending his nights in their gym motivated more than you could even imagine.

 On Wednesday March 23rd Paul started feeling the same paralysis as March 5th, except this time it was from the waist down. He was transferred back to Albany Medical Center for many more tests. This time, in addition to the Transverse Myelitis Paul has inflammation of the nerve roots called Radiculopathy which is causing the paralysis from the waist down.

 Albany’s team of doctors have been working around the clock, trying to figure out what kind of Autoimmune Disorder or infection could have attacked Paul’s nervous system to cause this type of paralysis. But as of today, April11th, the cause is still unknown, and the likelihood of recovery is getting slim.

Paul is a Burnt Hills native, an avid telemark Skier, Ski patrol at Hickory Ski Center, 46er (twice)  road biker, mountain biker, hiker, builder, master wood worker, and to add to the list he began restoring old cars with his grandson. He has a wife Lori of 23 years, 3 daughters, Heather, Chelsea, and Natalie, and a Grandson Brayden who he adores more than anything.

 Paul is currently still in Albany Medical Center, where they are testing out many treatments to hopefully help him regain strength and mobility in his upper legs.

The past 5 weeks Paul has been out of work, his wife Lori has been traveling daily to Albany Medical Center and not working herself. Our main priority currently, is to keep Paul positive and motivated to have the best recovery that is possible for his condition.

We are asking for donations large or small, to help assist with any bills that may have occurred in the past 5 weeks, making Paul’s home handicapped accessible, as well as the purchase of a wheelchair that could help him have the same outdoor lifestyle as before. We are hoping that his Wife Lori will be able to stay home and take care of him for a few months before going back to work.

We know times are tough for everyone these days but any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.  We thank you in advance for your support.   Please keep Paul in your thoughts and prayers!

"Pedal for Paul, Party for Moore" Bike ride and Family Hike is currently being planned. A Formal Invite will follow."
The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.
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Re: Pedal for Paul

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Paul is an incredible human. Huge smile, ripping skier, great person. The classic glade Paul's Peril is named for him.

If you've skied Hickory much you know him.

I know we all get a ton of requests for stuff like this. Just wanted to make sure if you know Paul you knew about this.

NYSB is in.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Pedal for Paul

please donate whatever you can. not only is he a bad ass skier , he is one of the best guys you
could ever meet. i spend my days at hickory following him around like a puppy. he knows all the
stashes and is more then happy to share his passion for the sport.
thank you
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Re: Pedal for Paul

Paul is one of my favorite people in the world.  Everyone give however you can.  This great man needs our help.
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Re: Pedal for Paul

I met Paul doing trail work at Hickory 4-5 years ago. Seems as though I saw him once or twice a year after that, usually at a MTB trailhead. Super nice guy. All the best in a full recovery.
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Re: Pedal for Paul

Darkside Shaman
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Please pass this link to the North Country Hardship on to Paul,

The North Country Hardship Fund is a 501 c3 non-profit that helps people who have had sudden tragic events affect them and their families.
God bless...
Gotta go to know
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Re: Pedal for Paul

Awful news, will share.
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Re: Pedal for Paul

One of the most genuinely nice person I have met.
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: Pedal for Paul

A testament to Paul they have raised the initial goal of 20k in a little more than one day with 140 donations.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp