PeeTex defends the indefensible thread

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PeeTex defends the indefensible thread

MC2 5678F589
I thought this could use its own thread, because it's going to happen a lot over the summer.

I'll come on here and mention Trump's latest rip off, scheme, racist statement, or threat to the media or other public figure. And then you, PeeTex can defend Trump's idiocy as if it is anywhere near befitting the office of the President. Then you can bring up Hillary's emails or the Clinton Global Initiative as some bullshit false equivalence. Then we'll move on to Trump's next indefensible act.

All the while, it'd be best if you remained willfully ignorant and in your own dumb media bubble, and please do not think about how, if Hillary did anything on this list, she would be crucified and buried by the entire news media.

Okay, we'll really get started after Trump does his next stupid act, but if you want to provide justifications for a couple of his "greatest hits", go ahead. Here's a few:

1. Made fun of someone who is physically challenged
2. Tried to screw veterans groups out of the money he promised them, then attacked the media for daring to question why the money didn't get to where he said it was going.
3. Threatened a Judge, and constantly describe the Indiana born Judge as a "Mexican"
4. Screw people out of their money with Trump U
5. Attack a POW for getting captured
6. Refuse to rule out Nuclear weapon use in Europe
7. Promise to bring back waterboarding and "worse"
8. He doesn't think Obama was born in the U.S. And he's flirting with the Anti-Vaxxers
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Re: PeeTex defends the indefensible thread

MC2 5678F589
In the files of: What would Republicans say if Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama said this:

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Re: PeeTex defends the indefensible thread

warp daddy
Advice : let it be , the guy has his opinions and whether anyone agrees is irrelevant . But to continueto trash each other here is pointless , you BOTH are BETTER than that

Peace out ,
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: PeeTex defends the indefensible thread

MC2 5678F589
I'm not better than that.

But, yeah, it is nice to see that PeeTex hasn't taken the bait here. Some things, you just shouldn't defend.