Plattekill 12/15/13

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Plattekill 12/15/13

  A friend of mine wanted to ski Platty on Sunday. With a foot of snow on the way, and $23 lift tickets online, it seemed like a great idea to me. When I got to the lodge I discovered that only the triple would be spinning. It turned out that the top of the mountain was scoured by intense winds, thus the double wouldn't be spinning. I made a few runs down the open trails, Sundown, Upper/Lower Face, and Shredded Mozzarella. It was nice to ski on fresh snow, even if it was groomed. When my buddy arrived, we decided to head over to Blockbuster. It was thin on top, but skiable. The snow was very dense with a slight crust on top. You had to be ready to break through so as not to lose your balance and fall. By buddy took a couple spills on his first run. The lower two thirds of the mountain skied much better, there was a lot more snow to be found there. All of the switchback trails, Chute, Bail Out, and Switchback had nicer snow than the fall line trails. Bail Out had some fun wind formed whoopdie doos at the top. We ventured as far as Plunge, all skied great, but were a lot of work. the heavy snow prevented any bottoming out.

  Kudos to Laszlo and his crew for their lenient policy on closed trail skiing. The ropes keep those who shouldn't be on them off, while allowing those willing to risk damage to body, or equipment, to enjoy skiing them. It sure made for a more enjoyable day than being limited to basically two groomed trails. Quite a deal for $22.99.

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Re: Plattekill 12/15/13

Looks like you made a great choice!!  Nice stuff!
The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.
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Re: Plattekill 12/15/13

How did I miss this earlier? Place looks like a dream. Very jealous.

Where are you skiing this week?