Plattekill Mountain, NY: 1/19/13

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Plattekill Mountain, NY: 1/19/13

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Ski Day 13: Up at an insane hour.  It was still dark by the time I got to Schunemunk Mtn. Unreal.

Beautiful sunny day at Plattekill....

We had all heard  about the "offthehookness" of Blockbuster on Friday.

As evidenced by the Schunemunk pic, I'm obsessed with being on first chair...

...mission accomplished today.

Block had a very tricky entrance today, but once on the main part of the pitch, the snow was the best.

Face skied well all day.

We kept coming back to the Block.

View towards Bearpen

I still don't totally have the ISO thing under control. It just seems to change some times. Drives me nuts.

On my drive out of the Catskills towards Gore, I saw some incredibly beautiful valleys.  Because I was in a hurry to get to North Creek, I only took this shot of a big cliff on the way.

It was Danielle's Birthday today. (Happy BD Danielle!)  

The mountain was busy.

I skied with Sean Riley and Marcski and family.  Awesome day. Gotta run.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Plattekill Mountain, NY: 1/19/13

Set the ISO to Auto. Are you half pressing down the shutter before taking the shot?
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Re: Plattekill Mountain, NY: 1/19/13

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riverc0il wrote
Set the ISO to Auto.
I have done this dozens of times in the last 30 days.

riverc0il wrote
Are you half pressing down the shutter before taking the shot?
Why yes. Yes I do.  Hmm.

TRUTH: I read this Saturday night, attempted to modify my behavior and still had issues on Sunday.  

I thought that was a Canon way to get a modified exposure reading when on auto. At least it was on my old camera.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Plattekill Mountain, NY: 1/19/13

Lots of scenic stuff on 30, maybe that's vromans nose.