Plattekill Mountain, NY: 12/27/17

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Plattekill Mountain, NY: 12/27/17

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Epic day at Platty today - here's the scene at 8:15, before the lifts started spinning:

Laszlo was definitely happy for a big snow day like today - 12" on the ground in the morning and hammered hard for the better part of the day.

Laszlo and the Crew getting it all ready.

Skiing was great all day long.  Groomers didn't really hit it too much.  Upper Face was a bit variable, with styrofoam-like whale humps peaking over valleys of creamy goodness.  But it was all good.  Only the tripple was spinning, but plenty of folks made the track over to the other side for some sweet, natural conditions - including Freefall.

Yours truly was pretty stoked.  Can you tell?

Picking up the tele rental gear from Ferd over at Belleayre tomorrow - come to Plattekill and learn to tele.  You know you've always wanted to.

Click on Catskills Freeheel to visit my blog!  
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Re: Plattekill Mountain, NY: 12/27/17

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Man this is great to see. How many skiers today?  Was a Riley in the house?

Pics of Freefall, any pics from the double side... that's GOLD!  Skinning? Hiking?

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Plattekill Mountain, NY: 12/27/17

Nice nice report. Glad you got some good stuff their.