Plattekill Mtn, 2/25/12

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Plattekill Mtn, 2/25/12

Plattekill Mountain, NY 2/25/12

PHENOMENAL!  Well groomed with lots of new snow on arrival - had rained a bit yesterday afternoon, but the groomers beat it up and it was prime this morning.  Made the perfect base for what was to come - a massive whiteout that hit at about 12:15 and lasted for a good half hour.  Continued to snow consistently all afternoon and was snowing when I left.  One of the very best days this year - everything was open.  The double lift was skiing especially well, and Freefall was sheer joy. Tomorrow should be primo.  Get up there!

Click on Catskills Freeheel to visit my blog!  
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Re: Plattekill Mtn, 2/25/12

I was there! I made $1.25 skiing Plattekill today! I purchased my voucher online for $18.75, I had two bogos that I didn't need, sold them for $20, so I made $1.25.

It was one of my best ski days of the season, so far. Freefall was sweet, skier's left of Blockbuster was sweet all day also. The snow was pretty heavy, skied out of my binding once, didn't yard sale, I was able to stop on one ski. I'm in a hotel room at the Hungry Trout in Wilmington now, skiing The Face tomorrow. Wind chill of minus twenty predicted, hope the lifts are spinning.