Plattekill, NY: 1/16/11

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Plattekill, NY: 1/16/11

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I never wrote a trip report for that weekend. I only took 3 photos, although I did take a few videos.

I went the Sunday of MLK weekend which might be the most crowded day of the year at ski resorts. All I can say was great! Platt was empty, and the snow was gorgeous. The bumps were super soft and made for some great fast bump runs. My wife did her first "double black." I don't think the grade was worth that rating however, the bumps made her work hard, and she felt it was pretty difficult. I loved the really tight little trails off the major runs. It definitely had a classic new england feel. Gotta love that it's smack in the middle of the katzkills.

The biggest bummer of the day was that my car was running hot, and on the way home it became very obvious we had a sick puppy. I took the car in the next morning and we found out that the radiator was busted. Luckily for us the weather outside was 15 degrees. Had it been warming my engine could have been cooked.

A few photos:
View of some trail off the left lift.