Post any childhood ski photos

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Post any childhood ski photos


Me and my parents in 1966. My parents were very stylish.  
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Re: Post any childhood ski photos

Boy the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Somebody looks EXACTLY like his old man!

Wish I started skiing as a child. Got nothing older than about 10 years.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Post any childhood ski photos

Benny Profane
Ha. That sweater is something.
funny like a clown
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Re: Post any childhood ski photos

Benny Profane wrote
Ha. That sweater is something.
THANKS!!!! you just reminded me I have my dads old ski sweater from the 50' i just need to find it
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Re: Post any childhood ski photos

I am pretty sure my mom made that sweater. I have another sweater that she made for my dad. I should break it out next season.

I am so lucky my parents skied. My dad grew up in Massachusetts and learned to ski as a teenager. He was taught by a neighbor who was a member of the 10th Mountain Division. He loved skiing and everthing associated with skiing. He has not skied in about 10 years and has 24 hour care now. My mom still enjoys skiing. She learned to ski after they got married and in a funny twist one of their first ski vacations was at Big Tupper and it included me.