Public transportation from Ithaca/Cornell to GP

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Public transportation from Ithaca/Cornell to GP

My daughter is looking for a bus from Ithaca or Cornell to Greek Peak.. The school has a bus that leaves at 10:30 and returns at 4:30..She prefers a earlier bus..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Public transportation from Ithaca/Cornell to GP

The TCAT bus doesn't run all the way to GP. It runs to Dryden, but she would still have another 10 minutes to go. The only other option to get out there would be one of those expensive Ithaca cabs. By the time a cab would show up, she could have walked there!

If your daughter goes to Cornell, she may want to check with the Ithaca College intramural and rec sports department to see if they are running any trips.

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Re: Public transportation from Ithaca/Cornell to GP

she goes to Cornell, Cornell has a ski club that runs a free bus. She is being a pain in the a$$. She is not happy with the schedule.
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Public transportation from Ithaca/Cornell to GP

If she can get to Cortland she could try this