Pullman travel car

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Pullman travel car

Cool website and cool concept - http://travelpullman.com/

I wonder if they would have any interest in running from NYC to Lake Placid?  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Pullman travel car

I don't think you can get to Lake Placid on rails from NYC.  Port Kent is the nearest Amtrak station and that only operates as a stop when the ferry is running in the summer.
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Re: Pullman travel car

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Re: Pullman travel car

so they would have to go to Utica from NYC to get to Lake Placid?  No wonder it would take an overnight trip

Do you have a map of the route?

I love taking Amtak for work trips and have also used Via Rail in Canada which has much better service compared to Amtrak so this is pretty cool concept but I'm not sure it can be profitable.
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Re: Pullman travel car

Looks like a fancy pants party to me