Put The Rest Down Rap

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Put The Rest Down Rap

Word Up Yo

There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Put The Rest Down Rap


That was GREAT!! I especially liked the beginning where they were putting on braces, wraps, etc to get ready for skiing. I was talking with a buddy of mine the other night telling him that when I get ready to go skiing now it feels like getting ready for football practice with all the hardware I put on.

I'll embed fo you HPD

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Re: Put The Rest Down Rap

warp daddy
QFT   damn at one point i wore two hamstring braces , two knee braces a back brace and a damn wrist brace ... Got a damn hockey bag full o datchit!!!
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Put The Rest Down Rap

Looks like guy is wearing last year's Chevy promotional ski day hat. I wear this hat often. Last couple of weeks I've been feeling like the foot rest guy, skiing blues with a few blacks sprinkled in due to back strain out of nowhere.

Video made me laugh. Warm weather has helped me stay off my skis and stop abusing myself. Ready to get back out and resume normal function, once weather cooperates. My couch has been my foot rest lately.
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