**REMINDER: Plattekill Work Day This Sunday 11/20 **

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**REMINDER: Plattekill Work Day This Sunday 11/20 **

From ml242's original Plattekill Work Day blog post:

"Laszlo and Danielle Vajtay, the progressive co-owners of the mountain, are on-board with our proposal to do some trimming to get the trees going sooner and safer this season. We've identified a couple of zones that catch and hold snow well but currently don't get much skier traffic. We're recruiting volunteers to head to Roxbury with loppers and saws to clear out some choice lines by trimming the brush and removing the deadfall and other snow snakes."

Laz and Danielle are offering refreshment and a free lift ticket for anyone who shows up to help. Be at the base lodge at 9:30 am this Sunday 11/20.

Contact ml242@nyskiblog.com if you are interested or for more info.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: **REMINDER: Plattekill Work Day This Sunday 11/20 **

another ski area going the volunteer way. i think that's a great idea. i hope gore joins the crowd next year.
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Re: **REMINDER: Plattekill Work Day This Sunday 11/20 **

^Unlikely :/

See y'all in the morning!