Railway happy with winter ridership despite scant snow

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Railway happy with winter ridership despite scant snow

Adk Jeff
From the North Creek News Enterprise:

The management of Saratoga-North Creek Railway is pleased with the ridership during their initial season of “Snow Trains” despite the fact that there was only meager snow and few passengers took the trips, a railway official told Warren County leaders March 27...
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A post today in the Times Union's business news blog also contained this tidbit:
"While the railroad is believed to be planning track improvements that would shorten what is now a two-hour trip, efforts to reach it for comment haven’t been successful."

This is the first time I've heard any mention of possible track improvements. Interesting.

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Re: Railway happy with winter ridership despite scant snow

Thanks.  And hmmmmmmmmm?    Expecting 30000 and got 1400.   I too would be pleased w 1400 but where the 30 k expectation comes from I don't know but I wish awesome future luck.   30k / 15 Wis is 2k riders per week.   Crazy good for town and gore if it happens
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Re: Railway happy with winter ridership despite scant snow

Pretty ambitious...the company is out of the mid west and they are also the ones who decided not to run a train on Tuesdays during track season last year.  I hope they get someone that makes better decisions this year because the train can be a great boost to the local economy year round.
Proud to call Gore My Home Mountain
Covid stole what would have been my longest season ever!
I'll be back
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Re: Railway happy with winter ridership despite scant snow

I think maybe that number was a mix up in the reporting.  Perhaps they are gunning for 30K in the upcoming summer season.  Can't imagine that they were thinking they would get that many people for the snow trains.  That would be an average of 830 people per train.  That is way above the average for the sumertime trains last year.

Hope they come up with some cool creative things for people to do.  Maybe jeep tours of the mountain?  
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Re: Railway happy with winter ridership despite scant snow

Adk Jeff
Danzo is correct.  The way I read it they are projecting 30K riders for the entire 2012 year, excluding Polar Express:

Torrico forecast that 30,000 passengers would be riding the regularly-scheduled runs in 2012.

This figure is not including the wildly successful “Polar Express” themed holiday excursion rides that hosted 35,704 riders this past November and December

Torrico said the railway plans to boost total ridership by 20 percent in their second year of operation.