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Anyone have thoughts on how often, if ever, Rand's will be open on the Conditions report?  For a number of reasons I'm skeptical it will ever get a check mark under Open, but I hope I'm wrong.
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Re: Rand's = Neverland?

If there is no rope up how do you know it is closed?  Somethings are bette left alone like the fact there is no rope up. Just sayin.  I was looking at it as well.  When I am confortable with the snow level I will go in.   This thread should be deleted.
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Re: Rand's

Sorry.  Once you get rid of any mention of things unmentionable I hope you'll feel better.  Not that it matters much.....somebody likely to know mentioned to me Monday that things unmentionable will likely be coming soon.
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Re: Rand's

Where the heck is it?

Is there a sign?

I was looking for it but didn't spot it and I skied Hoyt's 7 times last weekend
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time