Return of the prodigal skier

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Return of the prodigal skier

Peter Minde
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Even if I don't ski alpine, I liked this piece about a skier returning to her roots back east.
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Re: Return of the prodigal skier

That's a cool article. It speaks to me, even though I'm the polar opposite of the author.

I haven't skied out west much (maybe 25 days). I really liked it, but I wouldn't move.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Return of the prodigal skier

Interesting read.  It seems to be written from a bit of a younger perspective... or maybe I'm getting old. I think when your motivation for relocation is purely " looking for bigger mountains, better snow, radder lines." you are bound to eventually get home sick.  Don't get me wrong, I'm a fanatic, but even the most fanatical snow-riding enthusiast will eventually realize that Life is about more than rad lines and deep snow.  Obviously, you have to come West for more than just the snow.  You also have to be prepared let go of where you were, and embrace where you are.  This will be my sixth season in the West.  I miss certain things about living back East, but to be honest, the skiing is not one of them.
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Re: Return of the prodigal skier

Peter Minde
I've been to Oregon for an xc ski camp at Bend OR in June (!!) and, if you count Wisconsin as the west, I've been to the Birkie.  There are lots of places I want to ski out west.  But if I were to move, it would be to upstate NY or possibly VT to be closer to my home mountains.
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Re: Return of the prodigal skier

You would like it out here Peter.  In North Central Washington there is a thriving xc culture.  My wife works with a couple of former Nordic Olympians.  In my town, I would estimate that there are just a many fanatical xc'ers as there are downhillers.  Going a bit further north up to the Methow Valley, the entire community revolves around the trail system.  It's the nation's largest cross country ski area.  It's a pretty sweet spot for Nordic.