Ride Share from Monmouth County or Northern Jersey

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Ride Share from Monmouth County or Northern Jersey


Gore Skiers,

Between my familie's conflicting work schedules and the price of fuel making it unatractive to drive 550 miles round trip for the day by myself, I was wondering if anyone would be heading to Gore this Saturday, March 9th for a day trip and willing to rIde share. I live in Eatontown, NJ, off x 105 GSP. Just putting my feelers out in hopes of connecting with a ride. Have to be back for my mom's 80th birthday on Sunday, so would like to be back home Saturday night.


Jon (Gore and Whiteface season pass holder)
"Feets fail me not"
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Re: Ride Share from Monmouth County or Northern Jersey

You have to be nuts to day trip Gore from Central NJ. (Disclaimer: I've done it, although I left the next morning, if that counts).

Best place to meet/carpool is at the Mahwah Sheraton:

If I was rich, I'd have a driver. :)
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Ride Share from Monmouth County or Northern Jersey

Did a day trip to Whiteface years ago after they received a 31" dump. 650+ miles of travel. Can honestly say, I won't attempt a similar day of travel and skiing again. Would love to see WFM and Gore get a huge dump in the near future and Iwill stay the night before skiing the next day.
"Feets fail me not"