Road bike gears not working

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Road bike gears not working

I been trying for months to get gear to work. I know I suppose to use my index finger but I don't get it any advice
I wish it was like the gear s that I use s to
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Re: Road bike gears not working

Where are you having difficulty?

Left hand moves the front derailleur, right hand moves the rear derailleur. Move the front derailleur for major changes (uphill/downhill), move the rear derailleur for smaller adjustments to keep a steady cadence.

Left hand: slide the smaller black lever in to move the chain to the smaller ring (easier gear to pedal), slide the entire break lever in to move to the bigger ring (harder gear to pedal).

Right hand: slide the smaller black lever in to move to a smaller cog (harder gear to pedal), slide the entire break lever in to move to a bigger cog (easier gear to pedal).

If the chain is not moving through the gears once per lever press or if you are getting clicking sounds, take it to a shop for a derailleur adjustment.