SANY Gold Pass

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SANY Gold Pass

Adk Jeff
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Re: SANY Gold Pass

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You do have to check in at the ticket window. I haven't used the SANY pass but I've heard from passholders that it's easier than a cash transaction.  Like most passes, if you get it early and use it, it's a great deal. If you're based in the Capital District or Syracuse or even NYC, it gives you options and flexibility to follow the storm track.
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Re: SANY Gold Pass

Banned User
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Re: SANY Gold Pass

It's great.

Yes, you have to go up to the window..... But on the site it says that it's transferable which is pretty cool and makes up for some of the inconvenience. Not that I'd ever trust ANYONE with a pass of mine. What if they took it and skied every mountain in NY while I slowly played Carmen Sandiego tracking them down? In all seriousness though, being able to check out just the Catskills mountains and to play to their advantages during snowfalls would make sense to many people. To be able to hit a West or Thunder Ridge at night, Whiteface late season, Gore early season, Tug Hill and Holiday Valley for lake effect, Greek Peak to watch some high school races, Hickory to put some fun between your legs. Is Van Cortland open? Check out some latin jazz on the way back home!... and plus the fact that NY is skiing better than Utah right now.

To sum it up: the early season price is a great deal, the regular price seems fair, but mostly I give them a multitude of props to them for getting it together to support NY skiing. Makes me feel pretty special just to live here :)