Sarah of "Cafe Sarah" on Jeopardy 10/25/12

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Sarah of "Cafe Sarah" on Jeopardy 10/25/12

Sarah, of Cafe Sarah on Main Street in North Creek will be a contestant tonight on Jepoardy.  Tune in!
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Re: Sarah of "Cafe Sarah" on Jeopardy 10/25/12

This was big news in North Creek this summer. Following Sarah on Facebook - got to see the whole trip to LA. Looked like she had fun.  She's been a Alex T fan forever.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Sarah of "Cafe Sarah" on Jeopardy 10/25/12

Not her best night.  Damn you Keith!!

Love her bakery though.  Even the normally mundane egg and cheese sandwich is incredible.  The special order cakes are really wonderful.  We order one for my mother's birthday every year, and she loves them.  And she's, well, ... a tough customer.