See you guys in a couple of days

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See you guys in a couple of days

Hi Guys:

We are making our annual trek to Whiteface with my wife and our friends.  So excited.  See you guys there.  Hope to enjoy a pint with you guys.  I will be with wearing a mainly black jacket with black pants.  I will also have a helmet with ski the face stickers on each side and Raised Jay sticker in the front (I agree its lame but I kinda like it :)).  Hopefully that will make me more noticeable :) I will also be with this very large Polish dude that looks like a Russian  :) You can't miss him :)  

Please say hi if you see us.  We love meeting new people and are friendly.  I will also be in Gore most likely on Sunday but will ski Whiteface Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday.  

BTW the winds gusts are looking not to great the 3 out of 5 days that we are there.  In your experience will that put the lifts on wind hold for most of the day.  That would suck.  :(
