Ski Big Bear

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Ski Big Bear

Gunny J
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Sitting along the Delaware river just a stone throw from ny state sits a small ski area within the community of Mast Hope. My kids and I skied it for the third time on Christmas Eve. All 18 trails were open ,thanks to a great snow making crew, no thanks to mother nature ,who has only given a trace so far. . There was no break at all in the cold weather so the groomers were really hard snow. Humidity places a roll in the snow making here because of the river and the  snow making can be a challenge. Today there were not any lift lines and lapping the 650 verts was fast. The kids stayed in the park ,which was set up nicely. I hit the 2 best black diamond trails ,shown in photos, which would be blues elsewhere , most of the day. One of the reasons we love  Big Bear is its only 14 miles from our home.
Want to spend special time with your children, teach them to ski or snowboard. The reward will be endless!
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Re: ki Big Bear

Gotta say I have never head of it.  Like seeing reports from the smaller mountains though.  Got any full shots of the hill?
The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.