Ski Club Advice?

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Ski Club Advice?

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I am planning on starting a ski and snowboard club at my high school.  We already have a racing team.  This would not be about racing.  Does anyone have any experience they could share on how to organize all of the activity logistics, finances, etc.?  I want the club to do some weekend day trips to Hunter, some night skiing and riding at local mountains and possibly and overnight at Killington.  I especially would like to know if there are any charter bus companies that are based around or in Orange County, NY.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Ski Club Advice?

I think it's a fantastic idea for you to get involved organzing a ski club. I was in charge of planning ski trips for my Boy Scout troop at age 16 and then was president of our ski club in college before starting a ski club afterwards. PM me and I'd be happy to chat with you and give you some thoughts on how to get the ball rolling.
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Re: Ski Club Advice?

When I was a teacher I was our school districts ski club advisor. We did mostly night skiing at Jiminy Peak. We use to do long weekend trips to Stowe and Smuggs until a couple of kids snuck vodka and weed on the trip, got wasted, caused a hugh problem at the lodge we stayed in and that ended those weekend trips for good.

Any way the first thing you should do is get a faculty advisor. Once you’ve found a teacher who is interested he/she should present the idea to your principle and see if it flies with him/her.

If it does pick a date for an after school interest meeting. Talk it up, get the time and date of the meeting on morning announcements,  maybe show some ski movies at the meeting and get a list of kids who seem interested.

If you go to a public school your club will have to be approved by your school districts board of education. Your advisor can present this idea to them or maybe your principle will want to.

Once your club is approved you have to get prices and contract with the mountain for tickets and lessons, hotel/motel, hostel for lodging and a bus company for transportation.

It’s a lot of work the first couple of trips, but after a while you get a routine going and it’s not so bad.

I did this stuff for a long time. PM me if you have any questions. I’ll be glad to help. It sounds like cuontheslopes would be a good guy to talk to as well.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Ski Club Advice?

Highpeaksdrifter wrote
When I was a teacher I was our school districts ski club advisor. We did mostly night skiing at Jiminy Peak. We use to do long weekend trips to Stowe and Smuggs until a couple of kids snuck vodka and weed on the trip, got wasted, caused a hugh problem at the lodge we stayed in and that ended those weekend trips for good.

Oh boy

many a fond mammary of "college weeks" @ Smuggs ---- wowzers

I say go for it kid --- you'll get all the chicks