Ski Mad World Attic post on Whiteface

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Ski Mad World Attic post on Whiteface

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I don't like spamming my blog elsewhere, but I thought that some of you might be interested on my Monday's Mad Addict Attic feature on Whiteface. One Monday a month I post one old brochure or ski map from my personal collection. This one dates back to my first ski visit to New York State in March 1980 at Whiteface. One month after the Olympic Games.

Monday Mad Addict’s Attic : Ski Whiteface – The Olympic Year Trail Map

Not sure if I gave HR heads up on this one from Big Tupper from around 1995.’s-attic-big-tupper/

Only two from NYS, but a bunch of them from elsewhere...
List of Monday Mad Addicts Attic posts
Ski Mad World
A blog of MadPat's World: A History of Skiing Geography