Just added a new sticker to my "trunk" for my last weekend's trip. I always make it a point to get a bumper sticker from any mountain I ski (if they have them). Anyone else collect memorabilia from the mountains they visit? I never get to share mine so I figured I would post them here!

Stickers from Okemo, Hunter, Whiteface, Mount Snow, and Stratton among other travel stickers. (I'll have you know I skied all these last season, BEFORE my student loan payments started -_-)

Killington, Camelback, and the newest addition, Wachusett
Some places give me these stickers for free, which makes for a cheap collection along with the pictures I take. Others I have to buy, but either way I always make it to the ski shop to pick one up if they have!
*~It is better to go skiing and think of God, than go to church and think of sport.~* -Fridtjof Nansen