I think most skiers are familiar with skiridefree.com, and it's back for another year.
This is one of the best lift ticket money savers, but a drawback of the program is it's difficult to efficiently locate participating gas stations while you're out and about traveling through ski country.
As I did last year, I created a map to help people earn free skiing fill-ups, so
please feel free to share the below link with other Skiers + Riders. This map will work with the GPS on your smartphone. I have included the: station brand (i.e. Mobil, Citgo, etc.), Address, and telephone number of each location.
https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=211776287410418508501.0004d001fd16c985f7339&msa=0&ll=43.604262,-72.89978&spn=3.353057,8.453979There are, as of now, 66 gas stations participating in the program this year, and more will be added in the next few weeks. I will update the map accordingly as they are added. They've expanded this year into CT gas stations, and went from 10 stations in VT last year to 27 stations for this year, which is great news. THINK SNOW!
Can we get SOME snow? Please?