Ski Venture, Glenville, NY: Dec 31 2012

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Ski Venture, Glenville, NY: Dec 31 2012

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We had a great time skiing at Ski Venture on New Years Eve, 2012!

Ski Venture ( is a membership only ski club located in Glenville, NY, that strives to make skiing as affordable and enjoyable as possible for skiers of all types. I joined in 2011, and unfortunately did not get to ski last year with the lack of snow. Membership with discounts to other mountains is just $100 for a family of any size, without those benefits it is just $60 - far less than one day at any mountain for an entire family (or couple, or single!). Membership right now is pretty fully at near 60 members but there is space for a few more.

With all of the new snow, the 31st was nearly perfect for skiing. Everything was open, with nice soft snow. The area consists of a beginner tow/easy slope, a beginner slope from the top, intermediate slope, a semi-gladed expert pitch, a decent 100' vertical glade, a powerline trail, and two beginner routes back to the parking lot.

As a Hillmaster, I am trained on how to operate the rope tow and essentially be the "manager" at the area. Everybody takes turns at this - there is no staff, and no hours, so you can ski whenever you want, as long as there is a Hillmaster and at least one other member. As a member of the area, you are also an owner, like a cooperative. I was joking that for a time on the 31st, I was both a part owner and managing the hill.

The rope tow is high speed, about 13mph, faster than HSQS, and it only takes 25 seconds to reach the top of the 105' vertical hill. Members take turns watching the tow and helping out where needed. With the fast tow, one can make a lot of runs in a short time.

I highly recommend that any Albany-Saratoga area skiers out there join up - Ski Venture is a unique place and a lot of fun!

Here are some photos:

Inside the lodge
Inside the lodge

Base of the ski area, looking up at the intermediate slope and tow.
Base of the ski area, looking up at the intermediate slope and tow.

View from the summit looking down the tow + intermediate slope
View from the summit looking down the tow + intermediate slope

Top of the narrower Powerline trail
Top of the narrower Powerline trail

Up the Powerline trail
Up the Powerline trail

Looking down beginner Meadow Run slope
Looking down beginner Meadow Run slope

Looking up Meadow Run
Looking up Meadow Run

Top of the glades
Top of the glades

Bottom of the glades...yes, a 105' vertical hill can have some challenging and interesting skiing!
Bottom of the glades...yes, a 105' vertical hill can have some challenging and interesting skiing!
Jeremy Davis Founder, New England / NorthEast Lost Ski Areas Project
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Re: Ski Venture, Glenville, NY: Dec 31 2012

Bet that thing tears up some gloves
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Re: Ski Venture, Glenville, NY: Dec 31 2012

I gotta get over there.  Is Fletcher still around?  Shared some runs with him a few years ago at Gore, nice guy
The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.
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Re: Ski Venture, Glenville, NY: Dec 31 2012

Yup, Fletch is there, I saw him on the 31st.
Jeremy Davis Founder, New England / NorthEast Lost Ski Areas Project
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Re: Ski Venture, Glenville, NY: Dec 31 2012

That is really cool, Jeremy.  Thanks.  Looks totally cool.  I love the A-frame lodge with old school stereo speakers.