Ski area closures due to cold

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Ski area closures due to cold

Heard on the drive in that Wildcat in NH is closed due to cold today. Any closures in NY or are we tougher than that?
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Re: Ski area closures due to cold

I haven't heard about NY areas being closed.  I think Smuggs and maybe Jay were closed yesterday.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Ski area closures due to cold

This from the Whiteface conditions page under "Alerts":
Due to wind and frigid temps the following lifts are on hold Cloudsplitter Gondola, Facelift, & Summit Quad. The following lifts are running Mixing Bowl, Bear, Freeway & the Bunny Hutch Triple.
I think the same was true yesterday as well.
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Re: Ski area closures due to cold

Facelift and Little Whiteface were spinning yesterday only summit quad and gondi on hold.

ORDA and New England Passholder. If it's fast, it's probably fun.
2014-2015 season days
Whiteface: 2
Sunday River: 4
Loon: 2
Hunter: 1
Belleayre: 1
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Re: Ski area closures due to cold

Why in the world was the Gondola closed if there wasn't much wind like on the first subzero day.  If I was there and the Gondola was running I would lap it all day long, and so would many others.  The only reason why the Gondola might need to be closed is if the drive froze up,(it is a top drive so this may have happened) but aren't ski lifts designed to run in cold temps.  Sounds like they chose not to run it to save some $$$, at least on the 1st cold day.  Does anyone else know the real reason that it wasn't running?
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Ski area closures due to cold

maybe noah can help out on this
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