Skiing Pioneer turns 100 today and he's still skiing; Émile Allais

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Skiing Pioneer turns 100 today and he's still skiing; Émile Allais

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I find there is never enough culture associated with skiing.

Ski racer, world champion, ski technique developer, ski coach, ski areas developer, ski designer, created the French Ski Patrol...turns 100 today.

Émile Allais has touched ski racing, created the French method, coached the French, Canadian and US Olympic Teams in his life. He touched La Parva, Squaw Valley, Sun Valley. Portillo plus a number of place in France. Also worked at Rossignol. He's also part of the US Ski Hall of Fame.

Bonne fête monsieur Allais, bon ski!

I did my Friday Video post on Allais:

Hope I'm still skiing at 100!!!
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