Skiing and Spring Baseball (Go to Hell Ullr, 2012 edition)

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Skiing and Spring Baseball (Go to Hell Ullr, 2012 edition)

Spring skiing and listening to baseball games has often made for one of my favorite times of the year.

I don't know if there are tons of Baseball fans here, but if you take long drives to ski nothing passes the time better. I usually listen to a few albums but if you like pop tunes most records come in at 30-40minutes. I like a longer format so I don't have to constantly choose stuff, so the games are just an added bonus to the spring ski scene.

Spring skiing rules. It means it's warm out, but you're also cheating the system by taking advantage of the leftover snow while everyone else rushes to do something summery. There's no need to really change things because there won't be a May trip this year... unless we all post up some spring stoke from years past to make Ullr give us some snow to prolong the season.

So I'm asking for some favorites, bumps on Superstar (or Whiteface) some year in May or June, High in the prezzies or dacks, poaching your patch at Belle or Hunter or Holimont.

What do you guys have?

Here's one I always liked of my buddy Matt skiing into the Great Gulf a couple of years ago. Corn, speed, it has it all!

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Re: Skiing and Spring Baseball (Go to Hell Ullr, 2012 edition)

I had a good time skiing Tuckerman last June.