Snow Ridge 1/25,26

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Snow Ridge 1/25,26

One could ski 8-10 untracked Sat and 12-14 Sun all day both days

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Re: Snow Ridge 1/25,26

Looks killer.

Trees look really well spaced too. Is there work going on in those woods or is that natural?

Skimore, the one man Snow Ridge marketing team.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Snow Ridge 1/25,26

 There's some sap lines and such as seen in the one photo, but no cutting for the purpose of skiing
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Re: Snow Ridge 1/25,26

Sick Bird Rider
skimore wrote
There's some sap lines and such as seen in the one photo, but no cutting for the purpose of skiing
Nice snow! I noticed the sap line - watch your head. Wouldn't be surprised if the syrup operator is doing a little thinning to help out the larger trees.
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Re: Snow Ridge 1/25,26

Sweet. hope to make at least one more visit this season, I love this place! Worth the drive. Thanks for sharing.

  Just checked NOAA, supposed to get up to 26" by Wednesday morning, I'm supposed to be off Friday, think I'll see if I can change that to Wednesday. Anyone else plan on being there?