Snow Ridge 1/8/13

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Snow Ridge 1/8/13

It wasn't feet of snow, but there was some new snow.

AcidChrist was supposed to make the trip, but bailed when there was evidence that the snow would be measured in inches instead of feet. Snow Ridge doesn't update their snow report until after 8am and we were ready to go at 7.

The report eventually said 15", but they must have measure that in a drift. There were definitely places where there was a foot of snow, but on average, it skied like 8". There was a crusty base.

It was not epic, but it was still good skiing. Saw Skimore.

Snow Pocket was not open, so it should be great when it does open.

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Re: Snow Ridge 1/8/13

5 miles up the rd it probably was 12-14

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Re: Snow Ridge 1/8/13

  Did you come up by yourself? I almost emailed you, but I planned on staying overnight, so I didn't. Yeah, the 15" claim was a little enthusiastic. I arrived way early, as I gave myself time to negotiate bad roads that weren't there. I was happy there wasn't the amount of snow as opening day, I'm nursing a bum knee, a little more would've been nice.

  When I saw on the local news that the snow was supposed to shift to the South overnight I was hopeful SR might pick up another 6". Looking out my motel window, it looks like they didn't. I think I'm going to drive to Gore and use my ISKINY ticket today. I was talking to a young man in the lodge who said he had skinned SR the day before opening day, I asked him if he posted a TR online, sure enough it was ml242, small world. Great to meet and ski with you Mike. Just a few pics, my phone's battery is toast.